Inexpensive Natural Stretch Mark Remedies That Are Worth Trying

Stretch marks are an exasperating part of maturing and you're likely scheming up ways to get rid of them. While you can pay money on expensive surgeries, the following treatments can help eliminate much of the severity of these marks. While they won't completely disappear with these methods, they can become less obvious.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is one of those house-hold items that has been used for years as a skin-treatment tool. There's a good chance you already have some of the ingredients necessary for this treatment. Decrease the prominence of your stretch marks by following these steps:

  1. Heat a pot of castor oil on the stove until it is lukewarm to activate its anti-oxidants.
  2. Add chopped potatoes and cloves to the castor oil, stir, and reheat.
  3. Carefully apply the mixture to your stretch marks and massage for 15 minutes.
  4. Apply another coat of the mixture and let it dry on your skin for half an hour.

Perform this procedure twice a day for a week or two and you should visibly notice stretch marks disappearing.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is filled with all sorts of anti-oxidants and fatty acids. When these substances are absorbed into the skin, it offers you a wide range of benefits, including the shrinking of stretch marks. A few of the beneficial properties of coconut oil include:

  • Vitamin E
  • Protein
  • Saturated fats

Coconut oil also has the added benefit of coming in a variety of easy-to-apply cream varieties, including pure coconut oil or varieties imbued with other positive items. Simply dab a teaspoon of coconut oil on your stretch marks with a cotton ball, massage into the skin, let it sit for 15 minutes, and then rinse.

Egg Whites

When you decide to use egg whites to treat stretch marks, you are taking advantage of the thick pool of amino acids and proteins they contain. However, you need to separate the whites from the yolk using the following process:

  1. Crack the shell of an egg lightly with a knife.
  2. Hold the two halves of the egg shell in your hands.
  3. Gently separate the halves over a bowl, until whites start pouring.
  4. Let the whites drain completely, leaving the yolk inside the shell.
  5. Repeat the process with another egg.

Once you've separated the whites from the yolk, lightly whip the whites and apply a layer of white over your stretch marks with a pastry brush. Let the whites dry and then clean it off. Repeat three times a day for several weeks.

Once you've tried these simple remedies for a few months, it's worth visiting a skin doctor or a skin mark removal expert. They will help assess the severity of your marks and help you decide if it's worth exploring more expensive options or if your cheaper natural remedies are all you need.
